Listen to recorded stories from our community members. You can find some favorite clips from past interviews on Soundcloud. Our complete interview and transcript library can be found online at Arminda Collections hosted by Whitman College and Northwest Archives.
“There are stories that we forget. I believe that is why projects like this are important, to make sure that those stories are never forgotten or the voices that tell those stories are never forgotten.”
— Marian Sandoval, a Listener from
The Listeners Project: Queremos Escucharte
Our Listening Platforms
Listen to some favorite short stories from past interviews on Soundcloud. Find new excerpts on Soundcloud, updated quarterly.
Arminda Collections
Complete stories from members of our community are accessible in our interview and transcript library! Listen online at Arminda Collections hosted by Whitman College and Northwest Archives.
“I think every single interview has changed me very specifically. But I think that as a collective, they've made me a more empathetic person. I think that they've taught me a lot about listening.”
— Zoëmiel, a Listener from
The Listeners Project: Queremos Escucharte